Lead In High Heels™️

Discover how to affirm and showcase your leadership style through the power of shoes in a Lead In High Heels™️ workshop.👠 The Lead In High Heels™️ workshop was designed to help women lead from where they are and seek career sponsorship.

Mentorship is good.

Sponsorship is great!

Anyone can be a mentor if they have effective advice to share. A sponsor has the power of influence to promote you, provide access to opportunities, and advocate for your career advancement (Gallup, 2023). Women have people who will listen and encourage them but rarely have people who will promote them to the next level in their careers or business. We believe women do not need another mentor, they need a SPONSOR.

Are you ready to host a Lead In High Heels™️ workshop? 

Explore and celebrate your unique leadership style through our workshop, where shoes become a powerful tool for empowerment. This 90-minute virtual workshop* can be incorporated as a Lunch & Learn or an independent event for your audience.

You’re an ideal host if you:

👠 Host a conference

👠 Lead the Women’s Employee Resource Group (ERG) at your company

What’s Included:

👠 90-minute interactive workshop

👠 Ebooks for participants*

👠 Networking breakout rooms

👠 Prizes, Prizes, and more Prizes!

👠 Research-based strategies for career success + business growth

After your audience attends this workshop, they will feel more confident about their leadership style. They may also leave with Goal Friends who can sponsor them.

*Please schedule a consultation by clicking here to discuss an in-person event for an accurate workshop price (i.e. travel accommodations, printed materials, etc.).


“Women sharing their experiences is so therapeutic. Thanks, Coach Kim for being transparent and sharing your story.” – Tera

“I met so many courageous women who DREAM BIG! My key takeaways from this experience were to ‘stop doing everything alone’ and ‘don’t be afraid to pay to play’.” – Brittney

“Anything goal-related with Coach Kim is AMAZING! She is a MOTIVATOR.” – Teana

“It’s nothing like being around other driven women sharing goals and success stories.” -Heather

What are you waiting for? Secure your workshop date today with Coach Kim!